After the semester has started, the only changes permitted when specific process has been followed:
Step 1: Student requests conference with teacher to discuss concerns.
Step 2: Parent requests conference with teacher to follow up on plan of action.
Step 3: Teacher, parent, and student agree that student has made every effort to succeed in class AND should still be considered for a level change.
Step 4: Student obtains course request change form from counselor and obtains signatures/approval of all affected teachers.
Step 5: Counselor may change student's schedule as long as receiving teacher has seats available at time of the reception of the change form. Administrative approval may also be necessary in some cases.
College courses have a different timeline for adds/drops.
Students should request a course change if:
- Repeating a course If a student is placed in a course which was passed with a "C" or higher. In most cases, this is a student who completed an approved summer course and must aler this or hercounselor. Please note, no new credit is awarded for courses repeated (same course number)if the student earned a "C" or higher previously.
- Placed incorrectly If a student is placed in a class that is too high a level(i.e. did not meet prerequisites)a counselor may adjust to the appropriate level. OR, ifa teacher initiates a student's placement into a higher level class.
- There is a "hole" or missing course in the schedule.
Student may request a course change if:
- Repeating a failed course with the same teacher, as long as there are no restrictions withthe master schedule.
- Students may request to move to a less-impacted course, as long as there are no other restrictions with the master schedule.
Do NOT submit a request for any other reason.
Please keep in mind that we are accommodating over 900 students with 4 periods and 6 courses each semester in a 4 X 4 master schedule. There are many courses that are only offered during one or two periods which can make it impossible to accommodate all requests. Per district contract, we may not exceed the maximum allotment of seats in each class.
Concerns regarding class and/or teacher:
- Here are the ways counselors can help:
- Provide student and parent with contact information for teachers, if not provided on the school website under Faculty.
- Advise student/parent about positive communication strategies.
- Direct student/parent to resources on and off campus for support and enrichment.
- Meet with student regarding study and test-taking skills and strategies.
- Counsel students regarding four-year and postsecondary plans if there are concerns about how a class fits into these areas.
- Listen to the concerns and problem-solve with teachers and administration to come up with options for student(s).
- Please note, counselors do not change students based on teacher preference for any reason.