
Reporting an Absence

Parents can report absences via;

Include all of the following information in your absence report: 

  • Name of the student

  • Your relationship to the student. Students may not report an absence for themselves or another student.

  • Date(s) of the absence

  • Reason for the absence

  • Phone number to be used in case there is a question about the reported absence.

Please also note that attendance records can only be cleared within 5 school days.

What to do if your student feels sick, SDUSD current illness protocol during the 2022/2023 school year:

STUDENTS CAN NOT COME TO SCHOOL WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS.  They will be sent home for any of the following, and be asked to take a COVID test and follow the San Diego County Health Guidelines.

If your student has any of the following

☐ Fever with or no chills > 100.0F

☐ Cough*

☐ Shortness of breath

☐ Nasal congestion/Rhinorrhea (Runny Nose)*

☐ Sore Throat

☐ Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea*

☐ Fatigue*

☐ New Loss of Taste/Smell

☐ Headache*

☐ Muscle/Body Aches*

☐ Poor Feeding or Poor Appetite*

With these symptoms, please keep and isolate your student at home and follow these steps:

Please use this link to report the illness and someone from SDUSD illness and COVID follow-up team will contact you directly.  They will go over the specific requirements of how long to stay home and COVID testing options.

Self-Reporting Tool Link:


*If your student has a chronic pre-existing condition that causes these symptoms, your student may come to school if a “Certification of Chronic Medical Condition” form is on file.  Form is available in the health office.

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