Most colleges require that you take an entrance exam. Check with the colleges you are interested in attending to find out which exams are necessary. A number of colleges do not require the SAT or ACT as a component of admission. Please refer to to find these colleges.
Should you take the new SAT, the ACT, or both? Take this quiz.
The best preparation for college entrance exams is exactly what you are already doing, being an attentive student. Enriching your vocabulary, reading widely, writing frequently, and practicing math concepts is your best approach. Although professional test preparation is available, research shows that taking a prep class does not guarantee that your score will increase significantly. We suggest you study on your own the first time you take the test, then reevaluate your studying options after receiving your first scores. Do not wait until a week before you take the exam.
Suggested NO or LOW COST ways to practice:
The Real ACT Prep Guide: The Only Guide to Include 3 Real ACT Tests, Author:
The Official SAT Study Guide, Author: The College Board
The Official SAT Subject Tests (a separate book for each subject), Author: The College Board
Each SAT Subject Test covers a subject you may study in high school or are skilled in based on personal background (for example, if you are fluent in a language other than English). Only a limited number of colleges or majors require Subject Tests. While SAT Subject Tests are not required for UC admission, some campuses recommend that students vying for slots in competitive majors take the tests to demonstrate subject proficiency.